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4 Benefits of a Corporate Digital Library

Tablet showing digital library items
Published January 21, 2021

Digital libraries in organizations of all kinds have been critical to the development of an even more valuable workforce. The advantages to corporations results in the increased communication skills, brain agility, innovative thinking and wellbeing of their staff.

Softlink IC’s Liberty v5 library management system has been helping knowledge management staff deliver business, general and recreational resources, increasingly in digital format, for many years.

Building and maintaining comprehensive digital libraries is essential for any organization. While they are numerous, we at Softlink IC have identified 4 significant benefits of doing so!

1. Critical Thinking and Creativity

Organizations that encourage a culture of reading recognize how crucial the ongoing development of critical thinking and creativity is. They champion the continued building of their corporate library and its staff. They know the library is vital in ensuring information seeking and access is vital to the longevity of their business.

A corporate web-based library with 24/7 access provides all employees with a wide range of catalogued digital content such as videos, recordings, software, training courses, films, PDF documents, and images. It encourages employees to embrace a broader range of views and ideas that inform and inspire them.

2. Better Communication Skills

Communication is critical in life and business. Regular reading increases communication skills. Employees who read daily, are shown to have increased vocabularies which contributes to better written and verbal skills.

People who read, be it for pleasure or business, are better able to share ideas clearly and collaborate well with others. Good communicators are good for business.

3. Inspiration

Reading increases knowledge. Corporate digital libraries provide employees with access to reading material, in digital format, anywhere, anytime. It is a great way to encourage continual learning. They will not only learn what they need to for the business, but also about history, different cultures and ideas.

Innovation comes from learning, inspiration, opening minds to the fantastic and things outside their norms. People who read more are open to thinking “outside the box”.

An inspired and innovative workforce benefits any organization. A well-resourced and staffed digital library, accessible 24/7 is an important partner in nurturing innovation.

4. Wellbeing

Access to a good corporate digital library that encourages reading for business and interest is beneficial to the wellbeing of employees. Research has indicated reading relaxes the heart and muscles of readers. The benefits of just six minutes of quiet reading on a laptop or tablet, whether for work or pleasure, is proven. Informing and reducing stress levels in busy workers must be a win-win!

Does your corporate digital library need a web-based library management system capable of cataloging a wide range of digital resources? One that enables your library staff to partner with the organization to reinforce a culture of critical thinking, inspiration, communication, and wellbeing of the workforce? Go on, book a demo and learn why our Liberty users love it for all those reasons and more.