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Your library & archive management system for the future



Join the digital revolution

Liberty Digital is a revolutionary platform tailored for the evolving demands of libraries and archives. Designed to support a broad spectrum of collections – be it digital, physical, printed, or a blend of all – Liberty Digital stands as the ideal solution for forward-thinking libraries and archives seeking to navigate the digital age with ease.


Features and Benefits

Digital, Physical, or Hybrid

Manage both physical and digital collections in a unified system.

AI Metadata Assistant

Save time and accuracy and use AI to auto-catalogue your electronic files and images.

Customizable Solutions

An intuitive interface that is customizable and meets both the librarians’ and patrons’ needs for easy access and management.

Dashboard Insights & Reporting

Powerful reporting tools provide real-time analytics and comprehensive overviews of library operations, enabling informed decision-making.

There are many more features like these awaiting your discovery within Liberty Digital’s comprehensive platform including:

One-stop Search
Mobile app
Dashboard Insights
Cloud Hosting
First Class Support
Dynamic Homepage
Document Ingestion
Document Security
Integration Options
Cost-Effective Storage Solutions
...and more!