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10 Years From Now – Will Your Library Management System be Fit for Purpose?

In this era of rapid technological change and increasing expectations, are you confident your current LMS will be fit for purpose?

Softlink Information Centres’ focus is to continue futureproofing the Liberty Library Management System (LMS) to ensure it is fit for our customers’ purpose into the future.

Does Your Current Library System Continuously Meet Your Needs?

We are sure you know whether your LMS is fit for purpose well into the future or not. Still, it is worth asking a few simple questions just to be sure:

  • When did your LMS/ILS evolve to be fully web-based? Liberty has been for years.
  • Can you automate day-to-day tasks? You can in Liberty.
  • Does it alert you and remind you about tasks in real-time? Liberty does.
  • Can you easily customize the look and feel of your library Home page? In Liberty, you can. No need to pay us to design or change a “skin”.
  • Can you personalize your Home page to your logged-in users? In Liberty, you can.
  • Can you customize screen layouts, adding or removing fields, and translating field names? In Liberty, you can.
  • Does it include a powerful analytical reporting feature as standard? Liberty does.
  • Does it come with a mobile app that is functionally rich for both your staff and users? Liberty does.
  • Does it enable you to send HMTL emails that include cover images of items? Yes, you guessed it, Liberty does.
  • Does it save you time and enable you to provide value-added services to your users?

While there are many more questions you could ask yourself, the answers you get will be food for thought.

They Tell Us, and We Listen.

Our customers are at the coalface. They know what they want and need. They understand what their future needs will be. Softlink IC:

  • Regularly seeks our customers’ input.
  • Provides opportunities for them to meet us.
  • Always welcomes suggestions and advice on what features and functions Liberty must include in the short, medium, and long term.

We at Softlink Information Centres keep up to date on new technologies and future trends in the various library sectors. But it is our customers who have been significant contributors to Liberty’s continual development. They are why it is their ideal work partner now and into the future.

Liberty Will Work for You in 10 Years and Beyond!

Developing new features and enhancing existing features takes time, but we deliver! Many new features, enhancements and services have resulted from our customers, including:

  • A fully cloud-based product well before many other LMSs.
  • Real-time alerts and reminders.
  • Industry-standard and customizable authority files.
  • A mobile app, rich in self-help and staff functionality.
  • A powerful Analytical Reporting feature – not as an add-on expense.
  • An easy to personalize Home page.
  • Automatic information processing and delivery.
  • Data security and user privacy.
  • An asset management option.
  • Adding images to (HTML) emails.
  • Single sign-on.
  • Integration using APIs.
  • A copyright option.
  • Full Cloud hosting.

Our customers have flagged technology, such as AI and deep learning as a future expectation. It’s on our radar! How confident are you that your LMS will incorporate them, or any of your ideas for that matter?

When next you assess your current LMS, ask yourself some of the questions we posed earlier. You may find your answers surprise you. If the result is not a pleasant surprise, take a look at Liberty. It will give you a very different type of surprise!

Click here to speak to, or contact, one of our representatives about Liberty.