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3 Ways to Make New Employees Love Your Library

open book with pages showing a heart shape
Published November 26, 2021

Your integrated library management system (ILMS) fits everyone’s needs like a glove. You’ve ensured access to the library’s dynamic homepage is easy and honed your outreach processes. As a result, the organization’s existing staff recognize the library as the invaluable asset it is and are already love and support the library.

Now for the organization’s newly hired employees! Here’s 3 ways to begin the process of making them library lovers.

1. Make the Library Part of the Induction Process

The induction process for any new employee in your organization can be an intense and exciting time. There is so much information to take in, many people to meet, and documents to sign.

Making the library a part of the induction process is a proactive way for library staff to meet “newbies” and a welcome period of calm for them. And while you’ve got them in the library, sign ‘em up!

The earlier the opportunity to build a positive relationship with new staff members, the better. Half the battle to make new employees library lovers is to make the library, its staff, and its services known to them as early as possible.

2. Sell the Library’s Services!

The new employee has been introduced to the library and library staff. They have been shown around. That’s only part of the story.

Here’s the chance to sell the library and its services. Tell new employees what the library can do for them. If your time with the employee is limited, sell them on the big-ticket advantages like the:

  • Research services.
  • Current awareness service.
  • Access to the library’s Homepage anywhere, anytime.
  • Access to a wide range of resources from journals to podcast and training videos.
  • Curated lists of resources.
  • Comprehensive search options.
  • Self-help facility.

Before they walk out the door, make sure you help them upload the library’s mobile app to their devices, and show them how easy it is to access the library and its services anywhere, anytime.

3. Everyone Loves a Good Takeaway

You’ve had a great ‘show and tell’ orientation with the new employee and signed them up, but what about a little something for them to keep the library in their hearts and minds?

Using a template, create a little digital guide for new employees, then email it to them as a little surprise when they log into their email. It reinforces what they’ve discovered during their library visit. It can include:

  • A link to the library homepage.
  • An explanation of the homepage and how to navigate it.
  • How to contact library staff for help.
  • List your services.
  • All the self-help options.

Including the library in the induction process highlights its importance within the organization. To ensure the library maintains that rightful position, and to make library lovers of new employees, access to a feature rich, customizable ILMS that delivers a great experience to library staff and users every single time, is key. A great ILMS like Liberty ensures they can do that.

To learn more about how Liberty is a great partner for library staff, just contact us. We are always delighted to show our ILMS off!