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Liberty’s Smart Serials Coming to a Library Near You!

Cataloging and managing serials can be a complex process. Softlink IC, in consultation with our customers, set about simplifying serials management in Liberty, our library management system. We haven’t thrown the previously significant functionality out with the bathwater! The result is Smart Serials and, if the feedback we’ve received from customers who have seen a preview is anything to go by, we know you’re going to love it.

When will you see this Smart Serials of which we speak?

Not much longer to wait! Softlink is preparing to unleash Liberty’s new Smart Serials module in an upcoming release. It will make life easier for customers familiar with our existing Serials module. We are confident the benefits for your library’s staff and end users will be enormous!

So, what are the benefits to staff?

There are a significant number of benefits for staff, making Serials management more cost efficient and simpler. Consider the following benefits:

  • An even more efficient way to add new serial subscriptions. Once you’ve created the resource in the usual way, a wizard guides you through the process to add the required elements that create your new serial.
  • Templates, with suggested formats, have been added to make assigning serial volume, issue number and year easier.
  • A new Serials section within Serials that allows you to add, search, browse, and list serial resources.
  • The information, sorted by holdings, predictions and subscriptions gives you a full view of a serial on the ONE page.
  • The option to delete predictions and subscriptions as well as bulk weeding of serial volumes and copies.
  • ‘Breadcrumbs’ that include volume and editions on each serial resource Detail page enable you to navigate the hierarchy vertically. Staff can also use the Next and Previous buttons if preferred.
  • A Delete Subscriptions button on the Serial Detail page enables staff to delete all subscriptions and associated interests.
  • Alerts for all the inter-related elements which make up the serial’s predicted schedule or subscription. This makes it simpler to delete those elements.
  • Managing skipped claims is easier and quicker.
  • Making changes to a serial’s copy assignments is easier.

And what of the benefits to your library’s users?

The advantages for your end users are evident when they access your library catalogue and search for serial titles. Users can:

  • Browse for volumes or issues across a serial title. The issues are listed with clickable links to display further details, view the contents page, or download your electronic journals.
  • Immediately view the complete holdings for a serial returned from a title search.
  • View specific issue details from the same search results.
  • Complete additional searches from within the serial title.
  • Filter searches to return serials by branches, a contents page or include only the issues matching the original search.

We’ve listened to our customers’ feedback and suggestions. The new Smart Serials module is the result. Judging by the positive reactions from our customers who attended the New Zealand and Australian Liberty online conferences, it will be a huge hit!

The highly anticipated functionality will be included in an upcoming release of Liberty. It is just around the corner. If you are not hosted, make sure you schedule your upgrade as soon as possible. If you have any questions or want to learn more, we are only a click or phone call away.