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Unlock Your Reporting Power

Using Reports to Get the Most Out of Your Research Management Team

Improve your research management with reporting

Discover how illumin can help you gain valuable insights into your users and their research queries. With powerful reporting features, you’ll be able to gain a more in-depth understanding of user behavior and use this data to optimize your research processes. Learn how to better serve your users by creating effective reports with our tips.

What is research management reporting and why do you need it?

Essentially, it’s the process of collecting and analyzing data related to research and request queries. Great reporting from research management software can help organizations identify areas where improvements can be made. Detailed analysis via reporting can reveal response times, frequently asked questions, or method and mode of communication by users.

Did you know that effective reporting is one of the most important ways to improve research outcomes?

With illumin, making sense of complex research data is easy. You’ll be able to see who is submitting requests, what they are asking for, and how you can best serve them. This information will help you optimize your research processes for maximum efficiency and impact.

By taking the time to report your findings clearly and concisely, you can ensure others can learn from your work and that your research is used to its fullest potential.

Tips on getting started with research management reporting:

1. Define your goals – Before you start creating reports, it’s important to take some time to define your goals. What do you hope to accomplish with your reports? Who is your audience? What type of information do they need? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you’ll be able to create reports that are more likely to be successful.

2. Choose the right software – There are several different software programs that can be used for research management reporting. And it’s no secret that illumin is one of those! Once you’re using the right software, you’ll be able to get started creating reports more easily.

3. Gather the data you need – Once you’ve selected the software you’re going to use, it’s time to start gathering data. The data you collect will be used to create your reports, so it’s important to make sure you collect accurate and reliable information.

4. Create your report – After you’ve collected all the data you need, it’s time to start creating your report. Begin by creating an outline of what you want to include in your report. Then, start filling in the details. Be sure to include charts, graphs, and other visual elements to make your report more engaging and easier to understand.

5. Share your report – Once you’ve created your report, it’s time to share it with your audience. You can share it electronically or print it out and distribute it physically.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a trusted advisor for your users. By reporting on key deliverables, evaluating research quality and assessing training needs, you can ensure your team is productive, efficient, and delivering high-quality work products.

See illumin in action in our webinar ‘illumin – Improving your research management with reporting’, by following this link. Partnering with Softlink IC to deliver illumin to your research team will help lighten your research workload. Sign up for a free demonstration of illumin today, contact us and one of Softlink IC’s Sales staff will show you how.