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Do medical libraries benefit from strong alliances with IT?

The findings of a new survey into collaboration between medical libraries and information technology departments has been published in the January 2017 edition of the Journal of the Medical Library Association.

In Meeting at the crossroads: collaboration between information technology departments and health sciences libraries, King, Cataldi-Roberts and Wentz found that the majority of libraries viewed the working relationship with their IT departments as being positive, and that there have been a number of successful projects borne from these alliances.

In our interview with Katie Dayani last year, the librarian also spoke of how libraries can position themselves as valuable project partners by developing strong internal networks, particularly with the IT department.

“Over the last few years, I have put a lot of emphasis on building my internal networks and it’s been exciting to see people getting excited about the library, acknowledging the library, thinking of me and to bring me in on projects to see how our resources could best help them.  Now when discussing a new product or project they are thinking about the library first, which is a big win.”

Softlink’s Liberty library management system has been a popular choice for medical libraries (read our case studies with The Pirbright Institute, Children’s Hospital Boston and The University Hospital of South Manchester) and IT Departments appreciate the security, flexibility and reliability of the solution

Find out more about how Liberty smooths the path for collaboration between IT and medical libraries in our 5 Reasons your IT team will love your new library management system post!