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TED Talks for Libraries. Have you Viewed These 3? They’re Worth it!
In an age where the future of libraries, and librarians, often feels uncertain, it’s always useful to get a little inspiration. We at Softlink Information Centres have noticed that there’s a surprising number of TED Talks out there that focus on libraries and their future. If you’ve missed any of these three, they are really worth viewing.
Employee Spotlight – Emily
We get to know a little bit more about Emily in our latest in our Softlink Information Centres Employee Spotlight series.
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 06/2019
A fortnightly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
Why Should You Host Your Library System in the Cloud? Here are 12 Great Reasons
Many library system vendors like Softlink Information Centres offer the option of hosting their customers’ systems in “the cloud”. It takes the stress out of managing the technical “stuff”.
Librarians Know Why it’s Important to Preserve Digital Resources
Librarians and knowledge managers get that information comes in all types of formats. They understand that information has been shared using the technology of the time, be it orally, handwritten or printed.
Trust a Librarian in the Battle to Protect User Privacy
Did you know that reading choices can tell a lot about someone? They can reveal religion, sexual preference, and political beliefs. It is precisely this type of information that has been used to target people in the past. It still is today, and no doubt will be in the future.
Back to Basics Liberty Training in Boston
Early May saw Softlink Information Centres Customer Services Manager, Maida Rubin, deliver another of her highly regarded free, face-to-face Liberty training sessions.
The Challenge of Digitizing Collections
As the world migrates online, resource collections in archives, museums, and libraries also need to have a presence there. Digitizing at least the most significant parts of their collections ensures that presence.
Guest Blogger, ESR’s Beryl Anderson Give us the Lowdown on Their First Ever Staff Conference
ESR held its first ever all staff conference in Wellington 11 – 12 April at Te Papa. Over 350 people from Auckland, Christchurch and the two Wellington locations of Kenepuru and Wallaceville, attended the two days.
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 05/2019
A fortnightly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
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