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Use our Free App to Grow Your Library – and Other Great Ideas

Everyone has heard of the library, but have they heard of your Library? Libraries are amazing places, and are full of information and resources that can benefit anyone who steps inside. Promoting your library is essential to its success, we all know this. But how can you get people to visit your library if they don’t even know it exists?
We’ve just launched a fantastic tool to help you promote your library …for free! Create your own custom QR code and image for your library catalog. Use this to allow easy access to your library catalog and promote your library. With just one scan from a smartphone, your library users can connect to your library and engage! Visit to get started.
After you’ve had a look there, here are some other ideas and tips to bring more attention to your library.
Start Advertising Who YOU Are
- Advertising can be a great way to get the word out about your library. If you’re a public, community-focused library, think about placing advertisements in local publications or locally relevant websites. All libraries or knowledge centers could put up flyers in their own building, a local community center or business.
- Libraries are an invaluable community resource, so it’s important to get involved. A community-based library can get involved in their local community. You could attend local events or sponsor community programs. Let people know that your library is a supportive and invested part of the community.
- Do you create posters? Flyers? Simplify them! Often, we see posters or flyers which try to incorporate all the information about a program or event. The end result? A cluttered poster that’s less attractive to the eye. Why not use our free app to add a QR code?
Are You Being Seen?
- Make sure your library is visible, which may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important. If people can’t see your library, they can’t visit it. Once you’ve been found, make sure your physical library is easy to find, inviting and well-lit. Make sure the virtual version is just as inviting.
Do We Understand Each Other?
- To communicate more effectively with your customers, use language and terminology which is accessible and clear. For example, borrowers and patrons will definitely know what a magazine is, but periodicals or serials, probably not. When was the last time you heard ‘resources’ in a conversation outside of the library? Use accessible language when engaging with your borrowers.
Make Social Media Your New Best Friend
- Social media is such a powerful tool that can help you reach a wide audience. Create, or reinvigorate a social media profile for your library and make sure to post regularly. Utilize hashtags to reach even more people.
- What about a blog? Blogs are a super-effective way to keep borrowers up to date with your library. If you’re wondering how to get started, check out this link. If you’re not able to blog on your library’s website, you can use WordPress, Medium or one of the many other free blogging sites. Create a schedule and publish consistently. It’s okay if you only publish once a month — just make sure that your post goes up at the same time and day of the week each month.
- Get some inspiration from us! At Softlink we are always looking for ways to improve and help our clients. Stay tuned to our blog to receive the best tips for improving your library and keeping up to date with all the fantastic new features and opportunities we offer.
Remember, thanks to Softlink IC you can now create your own custom QR code and image for your library catalog. Visit to get started. And the extra, bonus tip, remember the power of word-of-mouth. Tell everyone about your library, no-workers, friends, family, anyone you like! Encourage them to spread the word.
Promoting your library is essential to its success. By utilizing some or all these strategies, you’ll be on the right track to grow your audience reach and get more feet through your doors and eyes on your screens!
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