Information & Knowledge Centres
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The Softlink IC #gotknowledge2020 Survey Report is Here!
Softlink Information Centres, developers of the Liberty library management system, has always sought to gain an even deeper understanding of the library and knowledge centers and their staff. The management and sharing of knowledge is our common passion.
How to Get Your Library Ready for the New Year!
2020 has affected everyone’s time perception. Our points of references have been skewed! Softlink IC gets it! So, we thought we’d help by suggesting some end of year tasks that should be considered by our Liberty users. It is, after all, a library management system that is your best friend when it comes to getting things done quickly and efficiently.
Our Top 5 Liberty New Features for 2020
Despite the challenges everyone has faced in 2020, Softlink IC continued to focus on delivering even more functionality and enhancing existing functionality. Our Liberty users are a diverse bunch. What is critical for our legal libraries may not be so for our medical, theological, or public libraries. It is a balancing act that we think we got right again this year!
What Do Softlink Support and Library Staff Have in Common?
Softlink IC’s well renowned Support staff and the amazing library and knowledge center staff have a major common denominator. The success of our business and libraries is dependent on many things. But, in large measure, that success is dependent on the commitment to customer service by those who work in both.
Outsmart Serials with the Latest Liberty Release!
Libraries and knowledge center staff have always put their users first. As their partners, Softlink Information Centres continues to deliver functionality our customers request in every new Liberty release.
A Sneak Peek at Softlink IC’s #gotknowledge2020 Survey Report!
Softlink Information Centres (IC) would like to take this opportunity to once again, thank all who participated in our inaugural Softlink Information #gotknowledge2020 survey. The survey was designed to investigate and analyze work patterns, identify staffing, resource and budget trends, the services currently delivered and collect opinions on future trends.
Are You Committing One or More of These Top 5 Security Sins?
For Knowledge and IT Staff, ensuring the security of the operating systems they use and the data they manage is their most important responsibility. From their organization’s operating systems to software like library management systems (LMS), they are all about protecting user privacy and the organization’s data.
Knowledge Professionals Care About Your Data Security
Valuing data, and its appropriate security, is nothing new for Knowledge and IT professionals. Softlink IC is deeply aware of the focus these professionals have, not only curating valid, verifiable information, but protecting sensitive data from those who would use it for questionable purposes. Many information professionals understand there is a growing fear among their users about their own personal data. Who is accessing it? For what purpose?
Dirty Data Cleaned Dirt Cheap!
It is not an easy thing to ensure that data imported, or manually added, into your library management system (LMS) is clean. Having clean data is critical to ensuring the results returned from any search is a true reflection of your resources.
5 Ways Our Customers Get Their Organization Involved With Liberty
Once Softlink IC’s customers decided it was well and truly time to implement Liberty as their new library management system (LMS) they identified 5 major tasks to ensure their users’ support. Picking their new system was the result of a lot of time, energy, and preparation so buy-in from everyone in the organization, not just the library staff, was crucial.
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