Information & Knowledge Centres
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Transforming Library Services: Highlights from Softlink’s Virtual Open Day 2024
Softlink Information Centers (Softlink IC) hosted its third successful Virtual Open Day on May 30, 2024. This much-anticipated event brought together library and knowledge management professionals from around the globe, introducing them to the transformative capabilities of our newest solution, Liberty Digital.
Softlink IC Virtual Open Day – 30 May 2024
We’re thrilled to announce that Softlink IC’s much-anticipated Virtual Open Day is back! Circle your calendar for May 30, 2024, and prepare to dive into the world of knowledge management solutions. This event is free to join and we’ll be offering sessions across three time zones.
Where to Find Softlink IC in 2024: A Year of Learning, Innovation, and Connections
As 2024 unfolds, Softlink Information Centres is delighted to announce our active participation in a diverse array of conferences and events worldwide. This year, we’re seizing more opportunities to showcase our flagship products: Liberty, an integrated library management system, and illumin, our pioneering Knowledge & Research Management platform.
Meet Softlink IC at RLUK24: Empowering Research Libraries with illumin
Softlink Information Centers (Softlink IC) is thrilled to be part of the RLUK24 Conference, happening virtually between March 20-22, 2024. This aims to dive deep into the evolving role of research libraries amid the rapid pace of technological advancements, with a special emphasis on Artificial Intelligence (AI) – their conference theme is “New Frontiers: The expanding scope of the modern research library.”
A Rap Recap of a Memorable Year
As the year draws to a close, prepare to embark on a tour through some of our highlights for 2023 curated exclusively for you on our blog. We’re putting a unique spin on year-end reflections with a lyrical finale—so settle in for a special ‘rap-up’ to the year you never saw coming!
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Law Firms: Exploring Future Trends
Discover how artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing law firms and reshaping the legal landscape. From streamlining operations to providing innovative client solutions, AI is becoming an integral part of the legal sector. Dive into our blog post to explore its impact and uncover valuable resources to stay up to date with AI in your law firm.
Elevate Your Library Game – Let Our Helpdesk Level You Up
At some point in our lives, we all encounter situations where a little assistance can go a long way. In the realm of libraries, the same holds true.
What a Week in Wellington! Our User Group Meeting and NZLLA Conference!
Members of the Softlink IC team travelled to Wellington, New Zealand to conduct an in-person User Group Meeting (UGM) for our clients based in New Zealand. Additionally, we had the opportunity to participate in the New Zealand Law Librarians Association (NZLLA) conference. What a week in Wellington!
Celebrating 40 Years of Technological Innovations: a Look at Softlink’s Journey
As an industry leader in library management software, Softlink is proud to commemorate 40 years of innovation and customer success in 2023. Our journey began in 1983, a time when the landscape of technology was vastly different from what we know today.
The Exciting Return of Melbourne’s Liberty User Group Meeting
We recently hosted our highly anticipated, in-person, User Group Meeting (UGM) in Melbourne, Australia. The day was filled with valuable insights, informative sessions, and demonstrations; we even welcomed enthusiastic attendees from the distant shores of Papua New Guinea.
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