Information & Knowledge Centres
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Librarian Spotlight – a Day in the Life of a Legal Librarian
In the first of our Librarian Spotlight series, Helen Gambley, Library Manager at HopgoodGanim Lawyers, gives us an insight into her working day and how illumin helps her to help the firm’s practitioners.
4 Steps to Develop an Effective Marketing Campaign for your Library
Libraries are centers of knowledge that serve corporations, specialised research disciplines, organizations, and members of the public. However, the information age has affected the attitude of many towards libraries and their value. Many people believe all they need is the internet.
Are Your Organization’s Staff Advocates for Your Knowledge Center?
There are three strategies Softlink Information Centres believes are crucial to making your organization’s staff advocate for your knowledge center, or library.
3 Emerging Trends for Medical Librarians
Time and technological innovation wait for no one! For medical librarians, technological innovation is presenting them with exciting opportunities.
Late August at the 2019 NZLLA Conference
Sarah Thompson, Softlink IC’s Technical Services Manager, headed over to New Zealand again, this time for the NZLLA Conference in Christchurch.
The Melbourne Liberty Conference – How Quickly Did That Come and Go!
All that anticipation and all that enjoyment have come and gone for 2019. Is it us or is time just flying by? The Melbourne conference, an action-packed day of learning and interaction is over for another year.
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 10/2019
A fortnightly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
Poor Support Experiences Will Negatively Affect Your Business!
Whatever service you offer, consumers and clients drive your business. Without them, your business no longer has a purpose. Customers need you the most when they contact you for support.
10 Years From Now – Will Your LMS be Fit for Purpose?
In this era of rapid technological change and increasing expectations, are you confident your current LMS will be fit for purpose?
Next Stop on the Liberty Training Schedule – The Windy City
The Chicago training day included a great mix of users who are relative newcomers to using Liberty and some old hands! Everyone learned a lot from each other in what was a lively and interactive day.
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