Information & Knowledge Centres
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Data Conversion – Why Softlink Information Centres Does it Better
The Softlink Information Centres’ data conversion team understands the apprehension felt by new Liberty and illumin customers when facing the prospect of converting data from their old library or knowledge management system. Justin Westacott, our Senior Conversion Analyst, gives us a glimpse of our data conversion process and why we do it better than others.
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 02/2019
A fortnightly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
Showcasing Liberty and illumin at ALIA’s 2019 Conference
Softlink Information Centres was super excited about exhibiting at the ALIA 2019 Information Online conference in February. It was a welcome opportunity for us to showcase our Liberty Library Management and illumin Knowledge and Request Management systems.
Softlink IC’s First Liberty Virtual User Group Meetings for 2019
Kicking off a packed 2019 calendar was the first of the 2019 Liberty Northern and Southern Hemisphere Virtual User Group Meetings (VUGMs). Held on the 24th of January, attendance numbers for both meetings were heartening especially at a time of the year that brings with it so many tasks needing your attention.
Northern Hemisphere’s Liberty Boot Camp Training Challenges a Hit
It was the Northern Hemisphere’s turn to accept the boot camp challenge. Held on the 30th of January and 6th of February, the one hour Liberty boot camps, proved extremely popular. Judging by the feedback, those who attend one or both camps left exhausted but very satisfied!
A New Social Contract in the Digital Age
For knowledge managers, library, and IT staff the value of data is nothing new. Their focus is on curating information and protecting sensitive data from those who would use it for unethical or questionable purposes
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 01/2019
A fortnightly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
2018. Softlink IC’s Year in Brief
Can you believe it is February already! We have been busy finalising plans for this year’s calendar. But before we let you know what is happening in 2019, we thought we would review what has been a busy 2018.
What’s Shaping the Future of Libraries May Surprise You
While there was once a time when libraries were full of difficult to index books and backdated journals, today many are seizing on multiple forms of technology. One of the primary aims of any good library is to help its users learn. When you see what’s shaping the future of tomorrow’s libraries, you may be surprised.
Outsourcing. Is It the Future of Law Libraries and Legal Librarians?
Law libraries and legal librarians and the era of outsourcing. Many law firms have recently outsourced their libraries and library staff. Many more are considering the option.
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