Information & Knowledge Centres
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eBooks Have a Place on Library “Shelves”
In our increasingly technological world, the use of digital material continues to increase. Whether it is digital advertisements or images, examples of electronic products are everywhere. The use of technology is seeing increased efficiency in businesses of all kinds as people become more adept at using it both at work and at home.
An insight into our commitment to securing data in Liberty and illumin
The security of your data is paramount to Softlink. To this end, our development team employs processes that ensure data security is at the forefront of their minds when coding.
4 Tips for Creating a Business Case For your new Library Management System
Whether your library is large or small, a library that isn’t as efficient as it could be is frustrating. Businesses across many fields use libraries to make their workplace more efficient. But, if they don’t have a Library Management System (LMS), there’s every chance it isn’t as efficient as it could be.
Reference interviews – time and cost expensive or not?
The reference interview is neither a new concept nor a rarely applied process. It is a valuable tool in the research specialist’s skill set to ensure they understand exactly what information their customer requires. But, sometimes the “interview” is undervalued by those who seek the research specialist’s assistance.
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 21/2018
A weekly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
Public libraries embracing current technological trends
From the UK to Canada, Australia to Denmark, current technology is providing public libraries with exciting opportunities to deliver their ever-increasing range of services and build strong communities.
Appraisal Institute solves business challenges with Liberty and illumin
The Appraisal Institute, based in Chicago, is a global association of professional real estate appraisers, with 19,000 members and 80 chapters worldwide. The Institute funds and operates the Y.T. and Louise Lee Lum Library,…
Implementation: Top tips from Softlink’s top specialists
Softlink specialists have been transitioning libraries to new systems for years and have developed a reliable, step-by-step process that takes the stress out of new software implementations. The process ensures smooth…
Does research leadership = competitive advantage in an info bulge era?
As early as the 1980’s strategists like Porter and Miller were linking information with competitive advantage. Researchers in law firms, consultancies and multiple other fields are trawling a growing bulge of information to…
Library Software – Making Libraries Accessible to Everyone
Just as we have the right to freedom of action and expression, we should have the right to gain knowledge. This means making knowledge accessible to everyone. Our levels of physical or learning ability, should not bar us from accessing knowledge.
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