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Welcome to a New Era: Liberty Digital Unleashed

Liberty digital logo with a background of digital resources

Softlink Information Centers is excited to introduce Liberty Digital, an innovative platform set to redefine the landscape of library and archive management. Launched at our recent Virtual Open Day on May 30, 2024, Liberty Digital joins our suite of products, which includes Liberty (an Integrated Library System or ILS) and illumin (a research and reference management tool). The best news of all? It’s available now for your library or archive, read on to find out more! 

With a perfect blend of innovation and user-focused design, Liberty Digital empowers libraries and archives to effortlessly embrace the digital future, marking a new era in our commitment to advancing services in libraries, archives and information centers. 

While our ILS, Liberty, has long supported cataloging digital content, Liberty Digital takes this further by ensuring seamless access to a diverse range of tools focused on digital resources. In today’s rapidly evolving information management landscape, it is vital for libraries to expand their digital offerings to remain relevant and competitive. 

Empowering Collections: Liberty Digital seamlessly merges the management of digital and physical assets. This platform empowers your collection and transforms the user experience with a suite of features designed for the modern library: 

  • AI Metadata Assistant: Utilize AI to improve record accuracy and searchability, offering sophisticated, user-friendly services.  
  • Dedicated Digital Dashboard: Gain actionable insights into your library’s operations with a dashboard dedicated to digital content. Dashboard operations include download count, storage usage, at-a-glance reporting via widgets and more.   
  • Advanced Full-Text Searching: Quickly locate exactly what’s needed within PDFs and Word documents, unlocking the full potential of digital assets.  
  • SharePoint Integration: Improve access to resources from a centralized platform and make the management of corporate documents more efficient and collaborative. 
  • Seamless Document Ingestion: Instantly diversify your collection with various digital assets, enhancing accessibility and breadth. 
  • Versatile Cataloging Capabilities: The ability to catalog a wide range of file types, from images to audiobooks, means libraries can offer a more comprehensive resource pool, adding significant value to the library’s offerings.   
  • Faceted Searching: Allow users to refine searches with precision, swiftly locating relevant information and materials. 

Redefining User Experience: Liberty Digital transforms engagement by making information simple, fast, and effective to access. With features like intuitive browsing and advanced full-text searching, we encourage exploration and discovery, ensuring your library remains a dynamic hub of knowledge sharing and innovation. 

Innovation at Its Core: Integrating cutting-edge technologies, Liberty Digital streamlines both digital and physical resource management. SharePoint integration, copyright management, and a modern, engaging interface ensure operations are efficient and user-friendly. 

Unparalleled Support and Insight: Comprehensive support, training, and insightful analytics are at the heart of Liberty Digital. We provide responsive customer service and reporting tools to empower libraries to maximize the benefits of the platform. 

The Future is Now: Liberty Digital signifies more than just a technological advancement; it’s a commitment to the future of libraries and archives. As we step into this new chapter, we invite you to explore how Liberty Digital can transform your services, ensuring your library, archive or information center stays current and relevant. 

Contact us to find out more about a future where libraries and archives thrive, supported by the innovative solutions provided by Liberty Digital. Welcome to the future of library management—welcome to Liberty Digital.