Information & Knowledge Centres
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What Do Softlink Support and Library Staff Have in Common?
Softlink IC’s well renowned Support staff and the amazing library and knowledge center staff have a major common denominator. The success of our business and libraries is dependent on many things. But, in large measure, that success is dependent on the commitment to customer service by those who work in both.
A Sneak Peek at Softlink IC’s #gotknowledge2020 Survey Report!
Softlink Information Centres (IC) would like to take this opportunity to once again, thank all who participated in our inaugural Softlink Information #gotknowledge2020 survey. The survey was designed to investigate and analyze work patterns, identify staffing, resource and budget trends, the services currently delivered and collect opinions on future trends.
5 Ways Our Customers Get Their Organization Involved With Liberty
Once Softlink IC’s customers decided it was well and truly time to implement Liberty as their new library management system (LMS) they identified 5 major tasks to ensure their users’ support. Picking their new system was the result of a lot of time, energy, and preparation so buy-in from everyone in the organization, not just the library staff, was crucial.
Softlink IC at the CIL and IL Connect 2020 Virtual Conference
Softlink IC was excited to be a part of this year’s Computers in Libraries (CIL) and Internet Librarian’s (IL) conference. It was an exciting opportunity to show off our library management system Liberty and our research management product, illumin.
Make Life Easy for Users with Softlink IC’s Single Sign On Module
Many of our Softlink IC customers have taken advantage of our Single Sign On (SSO) module. It makes life so much easier for Liberty and illumin users. It benefits you, your staff, and your library’s users. So what is SSO and what are the benefits of using it as your authentication method?
5 Reasons Businesses Need Librarians
Information on the web may be easy to find quickly. But is it the information your organization needs? Is it from a valid source, up-to-date and accurate? Is it applicable to the organization’s requirements? That is what a librarian, using a functionally rich library management system (LMS) or research system will deliver efficiently. Organizations need librarians to gain an advantage in an increasingly competitive business environment.
When We Talk About Our Live Chat Feature, We Mean Live Chat
Providing support is an important part of customer service. For Softlink IC, live chat is now indispensable. It adds another string to our already great support delivery bow. Our Liberty and illumin software customers have another effective avenue to chat to a real Support team member quickly. We don’t know if the customers of other library management system vendors talk to a real support person via a live chat option, but ours certainly do!
10 Advantages of Softlink’s Cloud Hosting for Your Liberty & illumin Systems
We at Softlink IC believe hosting your Liberty or illumin system with us is a hassle-free, cost effective option. To convince you, we list 10 advantages, grouped into three categories, that highlight the benefits of hosting your cloud-based library management and research management systems with us.
Our Top 4 Working from Home Tips for Liberty and illumin Users
Did you expect to love the flexibility of working from home or is it your idea of a nightmare? Have you found that you are enjoying your new work environment but finding it more of a challenge than you expected? Are you juggling other tasks like childcare or home schooling, or tempted to “just do xyz because it is distracting me”?
5 Features Your Research Management System Has, Not Your Helpdesk
Knowledge center staff know research questions are not just another form of helpdesk, technical, or customer service request. Despite this, many are expected to manage reference tasks with such a system. Softlink Information Centres knows you need the right tool for the right job, which is why we developed the illumin knowledge and reference management system.
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