Information & Knowledge Centres
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4 Ways to Sharpen Your Information Management Services
As an information manager, you’ve probably noticed an increase in information and resources in your organization, particularly in recent years. Staff and users are demanding access to the resources they need.
4 Steps to Promote Your Corporate Library
So there you are – the proud manager of a beautiful new corporate library. You’ve done all the hard work. The steps you’ve taken to get to this point have been many. The last thing you want is all that hard work wasted. You want the library to be used to its full potential! For that, you need buy-in across the organization.
Open Your Library to the World!
For many libraries, providing remote access to the catalog is the only way to go. Enabling easy access for your users anywhere, anytime is invaluable for them and your library staff.
6 Ways to Promote the Value of your Library! Number 6 WON’T Shock You!
Promoting the value of your library is a necessity these days. While there are no doubt several actions you have already implemented to do so, we thought we’d give you a few more ideas!
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 12/2019
A regular round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
6 Reasons Why Your Library Needs Alpacas
You may have heard a lot about alpacas in recent times. Here are six reasons why your library needs alpacas.
A Day in the Life of the Melbourne Cricket Club Librarian, David Studham
In the second of our Librarian Spotlight series, we turn to David Studham, Library Manager at The Melbourne Cricket Club Library. David gives us an insight into his working day and how the Liberty Library Management System has assisted him, and his staff, to deliver ever increasing value-added services to their users.
Top 6 Tips to Get Your Library Ready for the Holiday Season
It’s getting close to that time of the year and some of us are well-organized. But, for those who aren’t quite there yet, there are a few tips we think would be helpful.
The Top 5 Things You NEED in Your Next Library Management System
As another year comes to a close, it seems as good a time as any to reflect on the past. How has your Library Management System (LMS) been treating you? Maybe it’s time to move to something new.
Liberty Library Management System & the Softlink IC Customer Experience
“Customer experience” (CX) is the buzz phrase of the moment. These days everything must be an experience, from having a cup of coffee to buying a television. It’s as if the idea is somehow new! It’s not.
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