Information & Knowledge Centres
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Health Libraries Are as Vital Today as Ever
Even in the digital age, health libraries play an important function. In fact, with the fast pace of change in the medical industry and the sheer volume of information, health libraries are as vital today as they ever were, both in the United States and worldwide.
Sea Power Centre Adds 6,000th Entry to Catalogue
Congratulations to the Sea Power Centre Library on reaching a cataloguing milestone, entering the 6000th record into their Liberty system which holds their historic reference collection.
5 Reasons You Should Choose Your Old Library Management System over Liberty
While thousands of libraries all over the world use Softlink’s library management systems, we acknowledge Liberty is not for everyone.
Cricket NSW Goes Live with Liberty
Cricket New South Wales (NSW) went live with the Liberty library management system on the 19th of December 2018. The day also saw Sarah Thompson, Softlink IC’s Technical Services Manager travel to Sydney to train 3 of the 5 Cricket NSW library volunteers.
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 22/2018
A weekly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
Louis Lum from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Library is Retiring
Long-time Liberty user and librarian at the Catholic Diocese of Auckland (CDA) Library, Louis Lum, is retiring at the end of 2018. Louis has been a Liberty user since Softlink’s foray into New Zealand. It has been a pleasure getting to know and assist Louis over the years.
Liberty Integrates with ClickView
Did you know that Liberty, Softlink’s library management system, integrates with ClickView? Well, it does and has for many years. If you have a subscription to ClickView it is as simple as activating the applicable ClickView search source in Liberty. For those Liberty users who have a subscription to ClickView but have not activated the applicable source, read on!
Liberty Library Management System Integrates with Nielsen Bookdata
Did you know that Softlink Information Centre’s Liberty LMS, integrates with Nielsen Bookdata(NBD). The feature enables you to make use of NBDs comprehensive bibliographic data and cover images. If you have a subscription to NBD, have you set it up in Liberty yet?
Top 5 Tips to Get Your Library Ready for the Holiday Season
So you think you’ve ticked off all the Christmas season preparations? OK we believe you. But, just in case there’s one or two things that may have slipped your mind – after all it only comes once a year (or seemingly more often for those of us less close to our actual day of birth), we thought we’d provide you with a little checklist.
The Liberty Boot Camp Training Sessions Challenge Completed!
Held on the 18th and 25th of October respectively the hour long, web based, Liberty boot camp training sessions proved extremely popular. Feedback from those who have attended so far show that it was extremely beneficial.
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