Information & Knowledge Centres
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Lift Your Library to New Heights: 5 Reasons to Use Library Management Systems
Library Management System (LMS) software is an effective solution to help companies manage their corporate content with ease, granting access to a diverse collection of research material, eBooks, manuals, journals, documents, and books. But why should businesses purchase LMS software? This blog will provide you with five great reasons why an LMS can be beneficial for organizations of any size!
Save the Date for Softlink IC’s Virtual Open Day 2023
Softlink IC is thrilled to announce our upcoming Virtual Open Day on June 8th, 2023. After the success of our last open day – we’re back for another year! No matter where you are in the world, you can join us for this free event featuring six 30-minute presentations across three different time zones.
Meet Softlink IC at the BIALL 2023 Conference
Softlink IC is proud to be attending the upcoming British & Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) Conference in Belfast, Ireland between 14 and 16 June 2023. We’re sure this conference will be packed with interesting and informative sessions and workshops, and we’re looking forward to connecting with other professionals in the legal industry.
7 Tips for Success in Your 1-person Library
When you’re running a 1-person library, there are many strategies you can employ to ensure success. From organizing and managing your time, to leveraging technology, and getting creative with marketing, there’s a lot to consider.
Liberty’s Dashboard: Uncovering Hidden Insights in Your Library
We’re thrilled to present the Liberty v5 Build 8.056 release. With this release, users can take advantage of a range of new features and enhancements, including the highly anticipated Dashboard View!
Why Every Corporate Library Needs a Mobile App
As a librarian, you know that a well-stocked library is an asset in any organization. But have you considered adding a mobile app to your cache of resources?
Enhance Your Catalog Homepage in Just 10 Minutes!
If your library doesn’t have a brand yet, it’s time to think about what would make the space recognizable. Can users and non-users alike easily recognize your homepage? If not, then there is room for improvement!
Queensland Museum Chooses Softlink IC’s Liberty
The Queensland Museum recently chose Softlink Information Centres’ (Softlink IC) Liberty as their integrated library software. Liberty offers a variety of features to the museum library such as a discovery and federated search, mobile app, multi-factor authentication and the capability to perform OCR on PDF files.
Exploring the World of Legal Librarians
In our earlier blog, we explored the world of parliamentary librarians and looked at a few of the essential soft skills for your overall success as a librarian. In summary, librarians should have research, communication, organizational and interpersonal skills to effectively assist borrowers or users.
Get Ready For 2023! A Library Holiday Guide
With the end of the year just around the corner (eek!), now is the perfect time to get started ensuring your library, knowledge or information center is prepared for the upcoming holiday season, and the new year that follows. From stocking up on festive reading materials, to preparing for extended hours and special events, there are plenty of tasks to keep you busy in the lead up to the holidays.
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