Information & Knowledge Centres
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Top 3 Tools Libraries Use for Patrons with Visual Impairment
It is easy for most of us to walk into a library and search for a resource, use a computer, or read a journal. However, doing so is not always easy for those with a visual impairment. How accessible is the library’s information to those users?
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 04/2019
A fortnightly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
Liberty Launch at Papua New Guinea University’s Michael Somare Library Makes the National News
The launch of the Liberty Library Management System at the University of Papua New Guinea’s Michael Somare Library was national news. Papua New Guinea’s University Librarian Leah Kalamoroh and Softlink Information Centres’ Technical Services Manager Sarah Thompson were the stars of the show!
You or Your LMS Vendor – Who Controls Your Library’s Business and Security Settings?
Can you just go in and change the existing settings in your library management or research management system or do you have to request a change from your vendor? Do they charge you to do so?
Got Satellite Collections? Manage Them with Liberty Link
Softlink Information Centres’ mobile app Liberty Link helps our Liberty customers easily manage their satellite collections. No need to travel to the “remotely” located material to check their status. No increase to the library staff’s already heavy workload.
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 03/2019
A fortnightly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
5 Brilliant Benefits of Liberty v5 to Whet Your Appetite
We don’t have enough space here to write a novella about all the benefits you will get with Softlink Information Centres’ Liberty v5 (and we’re pretty sure you don’t have the time to read one right now), so these 5 brilliant benefits may whet your appetite for more.
So You Think Your Library Homepage is an Attention Grabber? Wait ‘til you Personalise it!
Imagine being able to personalise information that displays on your library Home page when any of your borrowers log in. Well, now it’s possible with Liberty, Softlink’s integrated library management system.
Data Conversion – Why Softlink Information Centres Does it Better
The Softlink Information Centres’ data conversion team understands the apprehension felt by new Liberty and illumin customers when facing the prospect of converting data from their old library or knowledge management system. Justin Westacott, our Senior Conversion Analyst, gives us a glimpse of our data conversion process and why we do it better than others.
The Softlink Scoop – Edition 02/2019
A fortnightly round up of library and information centre news and opinions from around the world.
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