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Holiday Tips and Treats – Simplify Your Search Box
The holiday season comes but once a year and for our Liberty users, there’s all those end-of-year tasks to complete. But while many of your users are on a short break, it can be a great time to tackle some of the changes you may have been thinking about for a while.
Legal Librarians Love Current Awareness
Legal librarians manage a diverse set of information requirements from a diverse range of staff. It’s why they love an efficient and effective way to automatically inform their firm’s staff of the latest information of interest. A current awareness service (CAS) is necessary tool in their kit of user focused services.
OAI-PMH – the Library Protocol Everyone is Talking About
The game of Scrabble™ is nearly finished, you’re left with HPQOAPMI and no triple word or triple letter options. That’s why you have a love/hate relationship with it! How are you supposed to come from behind and beat your opponent with those letters? Softlink IC has the solution!
3 Ways to Make New Employees Love Your Library
Your integrated library management system (ILMS) fits the needs of everyone like a glove. You’ve ensured access to the library’s dynamic homepage is easy and honed your outreach processes. As a result, the organization’s existing staff recognize the library as the invaluable asset it is and are already love and support the library.
5 Reasons Why Your Data is Safe and Secure with Softlink IC
Security awareness, and practices to protect our customers’ library and the organization’s data they manage, is something Softlink IC takes very seriously. In November 2020, we posted a blog discussing the security sins our Liberty integrated library management system (ILMS) customers should be aware of, as they continue to ensure their data is safe.
Access LinkedIn Learning™ Through Your Liberty Library
The range of resources and services today’s libraries offer continues to expand. As well as the usual digital materials, audio books and access to online databases, many now offer free access to online learning databases like Mango™ for learning languages.
The Top 5 New Features in Our Latest ILMS Release
Consider the latest Liberty integrated library management system (ILMS) release as an early Christmas present from Softlink IC! There is a lot to love about Liberty v5 Build 8.049. After some debate, the team have decided on their top 5 new features.
Is Your Current Awareness Service the Best it Can Be?
The digital era is resulting in less direct physical interaction between library staff and the library’s users. Current Awareness is an increasingly ‘must have’ feature any integrated library management system (ILMS) as an effective way to keep the library, its staff, and services front and center in the minds of existing and future users.
Official Launch of Liberty in Vietnam
Softlink IC is pleased to announce that on the 15th of September 2021, in conjunction with the Sao Mai Education Group, Liberty, our integrated library management system, was launched to libraries across Vietnam.
How to Promote Your Library to Your Target Audience
Think of the major brands that are recognizable by their logo, their color scheme, the product they sell, and the message they deliver. Then think about whether your library is recognizable to your users and non-users in the same way. If not, you need to consider how you “brand” your library.
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