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7 Ways Law Libraries Save Law Firms Money

Law libraries accommodate all manner of resources, both digital and physical, to help lawyers in their research. More and more, law firms are relying on the internet, online databases, and web-based services for research, but there is still a need for physical publications. Legal librarians are essential to maintain these libraries, update records, and assist with legal research. Their duties often go far beyond this, and they make an invaluable contribution to law firms. Here are 7 ways that law libraries and librarians help save law firms money.

Legal Librarians Organise Library Management

Legal librarians are responsible for much more than lending, finding, and shelving books. Duties can include online cataloguing, classification of materials, archiving, and organising and maintaining library resources. They also update records and systems and retrieve information from databases. It also makes the searching and retrieval of valid and required information an easy process for other members of the firm.

Involve Legal Librarians in Research

Many law librarians assist with legal research. Law firms can assign legal librarians to practice areas to gain in-depth knowledge of specialised legal topics. This can help clients to receive a better service from the law firm.

Legal Librarians Become Subject Matter Experts

To optimise a law firm’s efficiency and enhance the outcome for clients, librarians can become experts in practice areas. Assign them as subject matter experts or content managers and they can get to know individual lawyers and practice groups. If they work alongside lawyers, they can assist them in new and creative ways.

Legal Librarians Contribute to the Growth and Development of the Practice Group

Marketing departments are rarely large enough to focus on each individual practice group. It makes perfect sense, then, to make the most of a law librarian’s knowledge and experience and that they are involved in marketing.

Legal Librarians Identify New Business Opportunities

Law firms can enable legal librarians with subject matter expertise to liaise with an associate or paralegal in the firm. With the practice group in mind, these members of staff can work as a team. They can discover new trends and emerging research tools, and identify potential clients. They can also work on ways to develop new business opportunities for the firm.

Legal Librarians Become Experts in Online Research

When a legal librarian becomes involved in negotiating contracts, it can put the relationship with the vendor at risk. Instead, firms can allow legal librarians to deliver content which adds value to contracts for online research. The law firm benefits from better relationships with vendors and repeat business.

Law Libraries Can Become Versatile Spaces

The law library serves the information needs of the firm. In addition, law firms can take advantage of law libraries to improve work processes and increase their bottom line. The library and its resources can be used as a space for staff to train, complete research, or study. Or, create a relaxing space to act as a change of scene, a breakout area, a retreat, or an area for meetings.

Law libraries and librarians serve the needs of the firm and help to save them money. Leverage their capabilities and they will contribute to an increase in the quality and quantity of your output. So how can law firms help law librarians to save them even more money? By investing in a stable, functionally rich, library management system like Softlink IC’s Liberty, that’s how!