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How to Source eBooks for Your Library
Are you wanting to increase your library’s eBook offerings? You’re not alone. Libraries are increasingly offering digital as well as hard copy resources. EBooks are just one of a wide variety of eresources that are an increasingly common offering in all types of libraries, from specials to public.
An Outstanding Australia and New Zealand VUGM and Masterclass
The Softlink IC team were delighted at the record number of Liberty users who attended the second online Virtual User Group Meeting (VUGM) and Masterclass. It would have been brilliant if we could have all met face-to-face but in these uncertain times that was not meant to be. Hopefully, next year!
Using RSS Feeds to Boost Your Digital Resource Offerings
Librarians love finding ways to increase information offerings to their users. There is so much content on the internet that is regularly created, posted, and broadcast, on a regular and semi-regular basis. There is much of that content, librarians would love to add to their catalog.
Beginner’s Guide to Reporting in Your Library
Reports are a librarian’s best friend and extracting verifiable data from their integrated library management system (ILMS) is increasingly non-negotiable. Reporting ensures you are all over the information you and your management team need. Best of all, reports prove the value of a library!
Magisterial Services Library Goes Live With Liberty
In late April, Papua New Guinea’s Magisterial Services Library installed Liberty to meet their need for a fully web-based integrated library management system (ILMS). Last week they completed training and are looking forward to working smarter with Liberty. Softlink IC is delighted to welcome them and we look forward to a long and successful partnership.
4 Key Takeaways From the North American Liberty User Group
The free, annual North American Liberty User Group Meeting held on May 13th, was again held online due to travel restrictions. Nonetheless, we were delighted that many of our library customers could join us for an action-packed afternoon despite many commenting they now have Zoom fatigue!
Marshall Breeding Kicks Off Successful User Group Meeting
The Liberty Virtual User Group Meeting (VUGM) 2021 “season” kicked off on May 13. An enthusiastic group of users registered and attended an informative and fun afternoon. All Liberty users who registered for the VUGM will be sent a recording shortly so those who could not attend due to unexpected events will not miss out entirely!
It’s All About Accessibility for Library Management Systems
James Martin, Softlink IC’s Development Manager has a little accessibility challenge for our Liberty library management system (LMS) users.
I Never Knew I Could Do That!
The Liberty library management system is feature and functionality packed. So much so that many of these features can slip your memory! So we thought a few tips and reminders of a selection of time saving and effective functionality might be useful!
Future Trends and Services in Libraries
A significant increase in access to libraries online via their Home page, self-service options, mobile technology, and expanding digital resource collections was already evidenced prior to COVID-19’s impact. This was borne out by the results of Softlink IC’s #gotknowledge2020 library survey. Fortunately, many library staff have been assisted by feature rich, cloud-based library management systems (LMSs) like Liberty during a what has been a challenging 2020.
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