Information & Knowledge Centres
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Not a Spare ‘Seat’ for the PNG Cataloging Workshop
Last week’s Cataloging workshop was a great success. Softlink IC’s Aaron Rose delivered the virtual workshop to a packed ‘house’ of enthusiastic Librarians from Papua New Guinea. Many of the attendees even brought along members of their staff. The more the merrier!
Softlink IC Welcomes the Queensland Parliamentary Library
Softlink Information Centres is delighted the Queensland Parliamentary Library (QPL) selected Liberty as their new library management system and illumin as their research management system.
For Librarians, Sharing Knowledge is Sharing Power
It’s hard to imagine a time when most of us could not, relatively easily, access information. There was a time, when all the general population knew only what was told to them by those in positions of power. For those in power, controlling information, and therefore knowledge, was what kept them in their position. Fortunately, for many of us, times have changed!
The Increasing Sophistication of Artificial Intelligence and Libraries
To paraphrase Ratty’s conversation to Mole, in A. A. Milne’s wonderful Wind in the Willows, Softlink IC’s developers have been “messing about” in artificial intelligence (AI). That’s not to say our developers aren’t intelligent. Certainly, they are clever enough to recognize the importance of Artificial Intelligence now and into the future.
Marshall Breeding is Coming to the North American Virtual User Group Meeting!
Our North American Liberty library staff will get together for the annual User Group Meeting (UGM) on May 13. It will again be a virtual meeting as the travel restrictions continue to impact the opportunity for us all to meet up face-to-face. Last year’s virtual meeting was fun and informative, and we look forward to doing it all again.
Think Our Current Awareness Feature is Great? You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!
Our Liberty library management system customers love the Current Awareness (Interests) feature. But as they know, Softlink Information Centres believes there is very little that can’t be improved or enhanced.
How to Increase Your Library’s Usage in 5 Easy Steps
Library staff are committed to helping, informing, and inspiring everyone. They are focussed on the converted and currently unconverted. Hiding their light under a bushel is not part of any library staff’s DNA.
The Future of Library Access and Digital Resources is Now
A significant increase in access to libraries online – their homepage, search options and digital resources was already evidenced prior to COVID-19’s impact. This was borne out by the results of Softlink IC’s #gotknowledge2020 survey.
The 2021 Digital Library Boot Camp Series Blast Off!
Softlink IC’s innovative boot camp series kicked off this year on the 3rd and 10th of February. As everything digital is the focus of library staff, we decided our first Northern and Southern hemisphere boot camp sessions for 2021 would be how our customers can manage the library’s digital resources using Liberty v5.
Haven’t Seen Liberty Lately? Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s New
Like libraries, Liberty, Softlink IC’s integrated library system (ILS) doesn’t rest on its laurels. There’s always new features and enhancements to be added to stay ahead of the game. If it’s been a while since you looked at Liberty, here’s a sneak peek at what’s new!
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