Information & Knowledge Centres
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4 Important Email Notifications You Should be Sending Your Library Users
Regular contact with your library and information center users is vital. This means keeping them informed of research services, reminding them about their loaned items, or planned events. It reinforces your value to them. Making sure you keep in contact via email is the ideal way to do that. If you use our Liberty Library Management System, it’s a breeze.
Liberty Makes Managing Copyright Obligations in the Digital Era Easy
Technologies grow in complexity. The number of digital collections in libraries is expanding. Managing the copyright obligation of those resources is a significant task for library staff. Liberty, Softlink IC’s library management system (LMS), includes a Copyright module. It is designed to make it easier for library staff to manage copyright obligations.
Want a Cost-effective Way to Manage Your Digital Revolution?
Our Liberty and illumin customers recognized early that the future is all about digital resources and AI. They have been ahead of the curve and have been our enthusiastic partners as we all embrace this future.
The Blockchain Buzz – What You Need to Know About Blockchain and Libraries
You may have heard the word “blockchain” mentioned in a variety of industries lately, even libraries. So, what do you need to know about it? We thought we’d speak to Softlink IC’s General Manager, John Crook to find out more about blockchain, what it can do, and how it may impact libraries.
The Softlink IC #gotknowledge2020 Survey Closes Soon!
The Softlink Information Centres #gotknowledge2020 survey, designed to get to know you and our library sector even better, opened in early April. We have been delighted with the response we have received over the last 8 weeks. To all of you, who have already completed our survey, thank you!
Need Contact Tracing Post COVID-19? Liberty’s Got You Covered
COVID-19 restrictions are easing, and libraries are gradually opening to users again. For our Liberty Library Management System customers, this is very welcome. Ensuring the library can remain open once visitors are welcomed back becomes a major consideration.
Softlink IC’s Exemplary Support. What You Can Expect
While Softlink Information Centres focus on delivering a great product, our secret ingredient is the strong focus we place on delivering an exemplary support experience to our Liberty and illumin customers.
Onwards, Upwards and Online for the 2020 New Zealand Liberty Conference
Our Liberty library management system users in New Zealand look forward to our annual User Group Conference and Masterclass. As do the Softlink IC staff.
The Latest Liberty Release Delivers Again!
Libraries and knowledge center staff have always put their users first. The era of COVID-19 sees our Liberty users pushing that ethos even further. As their partners, Softlink Information Centres continues to deliver functionality our customers request in every new Liberty release.
Our Liberty and illumin APIs Make Liberty and illumin do the Work
Integration, automation, and positive user experiences is the aim of Softlink IC’s Web Services APIs. They enable integration of your existing complementary systems and resources with Liberty and illumin. Both solutions have a full API to ensure your library achieves a greater return on investment.
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