Softlink IC Blog

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2021 in Review

2021 in Review

It’s the beginning of 2022 and a perfect time for Softlink IC to look back at 2021 and marvel at the achievements, the fun, and the wonderful interactions we have had with our Liberty and illumin customers. Here’s looking forward to a great year ahead!

Tips and Treats – Craft a Carousel

Tips and Treats – Craft a Carousel

Last, but by no means least, we come to the fourth and final blog in our Tips and Treats series. In this series, we’ve looked at changes you may have been meaning to do for a while, followed by a holiday treat. The holiday period, when many of your users are on a short break, is a great time just do them!

Tips and Tricks – A Vibrant Video

Tips and Tricks – A Vibrant Video

The holiday season only comes once a year. As we mentioned in our earlier blogs in this series, it can also be a great time, while many of your users are on a short break, to tackle some of the changes you’ve been meaning to do for a while.

Offering Digital Resources in Your Library

Offering Digital Resources in Your Library

Librarians understand digital resource collections are an increasingly important way to increase their reach and value to their library users. But what do librarians need to consider and how do they go about providing digital resources? Softlink IC gives librarians a brief overview of how to ensure their library embraces the digital library resources revolution.

Legal Librarians Love Current Awareness

Legal Librarians Love Current Awareness

Legal librarians manage a diverse set of information requirements from a diverse range of staff. It’s why they love an efficient and effective way to automatically inform their firm’s staff of the latest information of interest. A current awareness service (CAS) is necessary tool in their kit of user focused services.

3 Ways to Make New Employees Love Your Library

3 Ways to Make New Employees Love Your Library

Your integrated library management system (ILMS) fits the needs of everyone like a glove. You’ve ensured access to the library’s dynamic homepage is easy and honed your outreach processes. As a result, the organization’s existing staff recognize the library as the invaluable asset it is and are already love and support the library.