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The 2021 Digital Library Boot Camp Series Blast Off!

The 2021 Digital Library Boot Camp Series Blast Off!

Softlink IC’s innovative boot camp series kicked off this year on the 3rd and 10th of February. As everything digital is the focus of library staff, we decided our first Northern and Southern hemisphere boot camp sessions for 2021 would be how our customers can manage the library’s digital resources using Liberty v5.

6 Reasons Our Cloud-based Library Management System is the One

6 Reasons Our Cloud-based Library Management System is the One

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty! There are library management systems (LMSs) then there’s our Liberty cloud-based library management system. And, by the way, it’s been fully cloud-based for eons. Every LMS does the basics. Softlink IC’s Liberty takes those basics to a whole new level.

Employee Spotlight – Zane Koria

Employee Spotlight – Zane Koria

Meet Zane, one of our rather wonderful Technical Support Analysts. Based in Softlink IC’s UK office, he is no doubt a familiar voice and face for many, but not all of you! We get to know a little bit more about Zane in the latest of our Softlink Information Centres Employee Spotlight series.

Why Replace Your Legacy Library Management System?

Why Replace Your Legacy Library Management System?

A surprising number of library and knowledge centers still use legacy library software. Yes, it may still work, but times have changed. New technologies and user expectations are making it increasingly risky to hang on to your old, custom built, or legacy library management system.