Softlink IC Blog

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4 Reasons Why Dashboards are Critical to Business

4 Reasons Why Dashboards are Critical to Business

Dashboards are an increasingly essential data visualization management tool. They can be customized to visually display data applicable to different departments and segments of a business. Dashboards are an objective way to measure business requirements from tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs) to the status of current tasks to ensure required outcomes are achieved.

4 Benefits of a Corporate Digital Library

4 Benefits of a Corporate Digital Library

Digital libraries in organizations of all kinds have been critical to the development of an even more valuable workforce. The advantages to corporations results in the increased communication skills, brain agility, innovative thinking and wellbeing of their staff.

Our Top 5 Blogs for 2020

Our Top 5 Blogs for 2020

Throughout the year, Softlink IC has regularly posted blogs on a variety of topics we believe are of interest to our customers, and knowledge center staff everywhere. The topics have been varied, from the advantages of recent technology, to how to get the best out of their Liberty library management system.