Information & Knowledge Centres
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Top 5 Podcasts Every Librarian Should Listen To
As an information services professional, you’re always learning. From conferences to professional development days, workshops and coursework, there’s so many places you can advance your knowledge! Podcasts offer another terrific way to grow your professional self and spend some time during your commute or breaks to explore relevant topics in an informal but interesting way!
How to Increase Your Library Clicks! Read Our 5 Top Tips!
Libraries are literally knowledge centers that serve corporations, specialized research disciplines, academia, and members of the public. But how do you let people know what you’ve got? And how can they get to it?
Top 6 Picks in the Latest Liberty Release
We’re getting 2022 off to a great start with the latest Liberty release. As usual, there’s something for everyone! It did provoke some discussion amongst the Softlink IC staff about what features to highlight and after much discussion, we came up with 6 of the new features we know will make using Liberty an even better experience than ever for our users.
Fill Your Library with Digital Content!
It’s no secret libraries are evolving, the 21st century is all about digital content in your catalog! Increasingly, libraries are focused on managing digital information.
Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea Goes Live with Liberty
Softlink Information Centres (Softlink IC) is pleased to announce the Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is now live with Liberty as their Integrated Library Management System (ILMS).
4 Tips for Setting Up Your Library Blog
Have you been trying to find ways to promote your library other than through newsletters, mailouts, and reminder notices? Have you thought about blogs? Blogging is a way to promote your library and its services or distribute news that may be of interest to library users. Time dedicated to blogging can vary depending on how in-depth or short and newsy you want your blogs (articles) to be.
Secrets & Keyboard Shortcuts …Are You Paying Attention?
If you’re baking, using shortcuts might not always result in a perfect cake.
But, for busy library staff, an integrated library management system (ILMS) with lots of keyboard shortcuts is the way to get the results you want quickly. They make navigating to different screens and functions very efficient. Did you know your Liberty ILMS provides lots of shortcuts?
2021 in Review
It’s the beginning of 2022 and a perfect time for Softlink IC to look back at 2021 and marvel at the achievements, the fun, and the wonderful interactions we have had with our Liberty and illumin customers. Here’s looking forward to a great year ahead!
Tips and Treats – Craft a Carousel
Last, but by no means least, we come to the fourth and final blog in our Tips and Treats series. In this series, we’ve looked at changes you may have been meaning to do for a while, followed by a holiday treat. The holiday period, when many of your users are on a short break, is a great time just do them!
Tips and Tricks – A Vibrant Video
The holiday season only comes once a year. As we mentioned in our earlier blogs in this series, it can also be a great time, while many of your users are on a short break, to tackle some of the changes you’ve been meaning to do for a while.
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