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Employee Spotlight – Ben Kim

Employee Spotlight – Ben Kim

Meet Ben, our extremely cool new developer. Based in Softlink IC’s Australian office, he is an entertaining livewire who undersells his increasing contribution to the Development team. We get to know a little bit more about Ben in the latest of our Softlink Information Centres Employee Spotlight series.

Alex the Alpaca Has His Own Instagram Account

Alex the Alpaca Has His Own Instagram Account

We all know the feeling. That temptation to give in to a child who keeps bugging you about getting something they want. Whether it’s sweets, a new bicycle, or a mobile phone with all the bells and whistles, the nagging won’t stop before they get it, or you are fit to be tied. For the sake of peace, you give in, and so it has come to pass for our illumin representative, Alex the Alpaca. Yep, we at Softlink IC gave in.

The #gotknowledge 2021 Library Survey is Now Closed!

The #gotknowledge 2021 Library Survey is Now Closed!

The Softlink IC #gotknowledge library survey for 2021 closed on the 31st of August. We were delighted that as the month rapidly came to a close, we received a flurry of completed surveys to add to an already record number returned over the last 3 months. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our survey, it is greatly appreciated.

Top 5 Library Management System Features You Can’t Live Without

Top 5 Library Management System Features You Can’t Live Without

While Softlink IC’s integrated library management system (ILMS), Liberty, is chock-a-block with brilliant features, the 5 most popular library management system features of all time are a mixture of unsurprising but commonly required functionality in an ILMS, and a couple that are unique to Liberty.