Information & Knowledge Centres
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First North American Online Liberty User Group Meeting a Great Success
Face-to face gatherings are preferable to many of us. However, the current health crisis means holding meetings and conferences in the traditional way is not possible. Fortunately, today’s technologies give us alternative ways to hold successful meetings. Last week, Softlink IC’s Online Liberty User Group Meeting was one such example.
Does Your ILS Integrate Seamlessly With eBooks? Liberty Does
Does your library management system integrate seamlessly with your eBooks? Is downloading the eResources they need a simple process for your users? It is if their library or knowledge center uses Liberty.
The Softlink IC #gotknowledge2020 Survey is Now Open!
Our eagerly anticipated #gotknowledge2020 survey is now open. In the spirit of sharing, we are asking for 10 minutes of your time to complete this Softlink IC survey. We understand you are busy, and really do appreciate your time.
Lockdown Task Opportunities
Interesting times! Many in the knowledge sector are working from home. Some are still working in their libraries and knowledge centers where limited foot traffic is the current norm. Softlink IC understands you are still busy providing resources services to your users during the lockdown. The need for resources and information services has not stopped. In fact, for many of you, the need for information and research services has increased.
The Softlink IC’s #gotknowledge2020 Library Survey is Coming Soon
For the past nine years, Softlink has put out its well-regarded annual school library survey. On April 16, 2020, Softlink IC will launch the first of its annual surveys into the special library sector.
Need Support or Want to Binge Watch Online Recordings?
Our Liberty and illumin users are located throughout the world. As a result, Softlink Information Centres has always believed in the importance of having an online presence. Now is an ideal time to remind you of all the ways we are there for you online. We hope it is reassuring, in these uncertain times.
Working From Home? COVID-19 Stretching Your IT? Softlink IC Can Help
Like many of us, you are probably now working from home with limited physical contact with the outside world. During these challenging times, staying electronically connected is more important than ever.
Market Your Library with Liberty
Increase the library’s presence in your organization! Market it. It is a great way to promote your library’s resources and services. Your Liberty library management system can help. With Liberty, it is easy to design an attention-grabbing Home page. You can also send Interests emails to your borrowers. Ones that include cover images and look professional.
Curious How Liberty Has Evolved Since You Last Looked? You’ll be Surprised
Like a fine wine, the Liberty Library Management System continues to age beautifully. Over the years, it has gained even more body and functional richness than it had the last time you considered it.
Libraries and Knowledge Centers are My “Thing”. So Who am I?
Who am I? I represent Softlink IC because, like me, libraries and knowledge centers are their thing. illumin and Liberty, two fantastic information and research management systems are the results of their passion. We at Softlink IC believe libraries are a vibrant and critical part of our communities, workplaces, and learning centers.
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